If someone organizes a venue for him, he will visit. If you'd like to volunteer to organize this, let me (and/or him) know. When I mentioned my interest in ecovillages / cohousing, he wrote the following:
Thanks for your quick reply. As an eleven-year resident of Harmony Village Cohousing, author of several community books, and producer of several TV programs about the many benefits of communities and "neighborhoods on purpose" I could address those issues specifically with a talk and slideshow. Please see the current online issue of Cohousing Magazine, www.cohousing.org where an article I wrote is the lead article.
Google David Wann+Simple ProsperityProposed Book Signing Tour Simple Prosperity:
Finding Real Wealth in a Sustainable Lifestyle with Author Dave Wann Jan 31- Feb 15 2008 San Diego -SF
Dave Wann is organizing a BOOK SIGNING TOUR& POWER POINT author of
Simple Prosperity: Finding Real Wealth in a Sustainable Lifestyle , he will be selling his book and giving a Power Point. Below is a list of proposed locations for the tour let us know if you would like to be part of the Book tour. He will organize the dates for each talk once he hear back from everyone. He will send you copies of the book to help with the promo, also a pressrelease and poster.
Simple Prosperity is a sequel to the book Affluenza by John Wann, both from the book and the well-watched TV programs that coauthor John de Graaf produced.
Please visit youtube as Dave Wann Talks about Sustainability:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAIopdHwg1cWhat’s Simple Prosperity About?
The book Simple Prosperity: Finding Real Wealth in a Sustainable Lifestyle outlines a new way of life that can deliver twice the satisfaction for half the resources. What we eat, where we live, where we work, and what we buy are all topics of discussion, and all can be assets that build immunity to over-consumption. The book’s underlying theme is that current, unprecedented rates of consumption can’t and won’t continue. “Because of resource shortages, a reduced capacity of the environment to clean up after us, an epidemic of debt, a longing for meaning and purpose, and a deep-seated instinct for ecological stability, we’ll invent a joyfully moderate and culturally abundant lifestyle,” author David Wann writes.
He concludes that basic human needs are not being met well in the U.S., leaving us vulnerable to the socially transmitted disease he helped identify in the best-selling book Affluenza. Simple Prosperity is a sequel to Affluenza, which has some degree of notoriety in the west, both from the book and the well-watched TV programs that coauthor John de Graaf produced.
Americans may spend the least for food in the world (as a percentage of income) but we also have the most expensive healthcare, and we have recently sunk to 42nd in the world in life expectancy. Simple Prosperity presents seventeen forms of real wealth that can overcome affluenza, including health, time affluence, social capital, natural connections, an instinct for genuine happiness, the real wealth of neighborhoods, mindful money, and brilliant design based on what nature and people actually need.
“When we change a few key priorities, many of our material wants will cease to be obsessions, “ says Wann. “It’s not just that we won’t need the next generation of gadgets or clothes; we truly won’t even want them. Instead of fidgety, addictive consumption, our lives will be filled with the real wealth of sanity, health, hope, caring, connection, participation, and purpose.”
David Wann is president of the non-profit Sustainable Futures Society, a board member of the Cohousing Association of the U.S., and a fellow of the Simplicity Forum, an association of writers and thinkers on the topic of sensible, sustainable lifestyles. Wann has received various lifetime achievement awards for his work on sustainability. He’s been an passionate gardener for 25 years and coordinates the community garden in the neighborhood he helped design Harmony Village in Golden, Colorado. He’s written nine books and produced many award-winning TV programs and videos on sustainable design and sustainable lifestyles.
Videos and TV programs produced by David include Sustaining America’s Agriculture, narrated by the late Raymond Burr, appeared in syndication on public and cable TV stations across the country, as did Transportation 2000: Moving Beyond Auto America. The short program, Sustainable Design: Lessons from Nature premiered at the 1996 Olympics and was recently used at the United Nations. Smart Growth is widely used by city councils and planners across the country, and Building Livable Communities was produced in 1999 as a speaking tool for then Vice President Al Gore.